This Veterans Day...

Ninety-Nine years ago on November 11th, 1918 the world celebrated as Armistice Day was proclaimed across Europe and the United States. World War I finally ended. This holiday, now known as Veterans Day, is meant to commemorate the valor of those who served to protect America. Veterans may hail from many theatres of war and branches of service, but they hold one thing in common: sacrifice. The willingness to lay aside one’s life so that others may live in safety. 

At RFS, we recognize the sacrifice of these brave men and women on Veterans Day. Everyday, we do business with Veterans whose character is marked by integrity and dedication. RFS is proud to employ veterans from the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. We personally understand the weight of serving our great country and want to take the opportunity to thank all those who have served. 

Turning Thanks Into Gratitude

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