Top 5 Airports in America

JD Powers recently released the results of an Airport Satisfaction Study, and we were not surprised that Tampa and Orlando were in their top 5 (ranked 2nd and 4th respectively). Our corporate headquarters is strategically located between both of these fabulous airports (although we lean toward Tampa if all things are equal), and with 2/3 of our Project Manager and Client Relations team located strategically within a triangle (I use the term loosely, and plead with Geometry teachers everywhere not to check my work on a map) created by these two airports and our office, our team has millions of collective air miles through these two locations. We never thought of these two airports as a specific competitive advantage, but after reading the details of this survey, I think we can say with confidence that being where we are, with access to talent, ease of travel, and great transportation infrastructure definitely gives us a competitive advantage that translates into client satisfaction for RFS.

As we continue to Remodel the Renovation Experience, we are thankful for the access to great air travel that allows us to reach our clients on demand.

RFS President Hal Bolter Discusses Consistency in the Latest Issue of Facilitator Magazine

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